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Rules for Bloom Power Giveaways

Bloom Power unboxing is part of your shopping experience with us. And we always create new gifts that are beautiful🥹🤏but to guarantee your Bloom Power gifts you need to follow some rules:

  • 💘for purchases from R$59.90 you get 1 button
  • 💘for purchases from R$119.90 you get 1 button + 1 notepad
  • 💘 for purchases from R$179.90 you get 1 button + 1 notepad + a magnet

All gifts are automatically inserted during order construction and it is not possible or authorized to change or remove items and their quantities.

Discount coupon

If you're new here, know that you have a 5% discount on your first purchase, just use the coupon PRIMEIRACOMPRA .

The shipping cost is not included to guarantee your gifts, nor is it considered in the discount coupon.

Good shopping.