Calm Moment

By Na Costa  •  2 comments  •   2 minute read

Momento Calma

Hey there! It's Na here, along with my husband and business partner, Gui. We love a good chat and thought this blog would be a great place to invite you all to join our conversations.

So, put the kettle on because it's time to brew some tea and start talking.

Last year, we went through an intense period of work at Bloom Power, something unprecedented, especially after a few of our videos went viral on TikTok. The work demands took over our weekends, holidays, and late nights. With all the work priorities at that time, some of our plans got pushed aside.

After about six months, we managed to establish a balanced work rhythm, and it was time to revisit our long list of postponed plans. It was pretty extensive.

A new rhythm also means a new phase for me. Initially, I always feel a bit confused and out of place with this new way of managing my time, even though it's something I've really wanted.

During this transition, from being a workaholic to living like a small farmer tending to my little garden, I felt very lost and reflective. Here are some thoughts that came to me: at first, I wasn't able to accomplish my plans because I genuinely didn't have the time. Later, when my life was more organized, what was stopping me from realizing them were the layers of difficulty I had added myself.

For example, I want to make a physical photo album of my last birthday celebration. If I overthink the specific customizations and aim for a perfect album, it's very likely the plan won't become a reality, and I'll end up with another frustration.

A few months ago, I said I wanted to get back to blogging. I decided to ditch the layers of difficulty I'd imposed on myself, and here I am.

It seems so obvious, but it's precisely because we forget the obvious that we often lose our way in life.

That's it for today! I’d love to invite you to continue this conversation in the comments. Share your thoughts, suggestions, and experiences. Let's chat and grow together.

(This post includes images of our new product, the Camis cup and saucer set, which will be available on our site soon).


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Amei o novo produto, a xícara é linda, estou ansiosa pela xícara de cafezinho 🥰😘

Márcia ,

Super me identifico com o texto, às vezes pode parecer que ao empreender e “fazer do seu jeito” tudo vai se resolver mais facilmente, mas na verdade acaba sendo mais complicado justamente pela necessidade de ampliar o nível de autoconhecimento! Obrigada pelas palavras Na! ❤️


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